Friday, December 12, 2008

Recent Requests

See the alliteration? Do you see it?

Mood: Happy, busy again.
Music: On The Radio - Regina Spektor. (It was the song for PSHE, which was jokes at the time. Don't judge me.)

I finally managed to pry myself from the warmth of my covers after like 6 attempts this morning, I'd left the windows open so it was FREEZING in my room. I quickly showered and ate before my mum gave me a lift to school. I got to school and had an urgent conversation with John, before poking Sam to make him aware of my presence, as he hadn't spotted me. I thought of not telling him I was there, but that would be mean. :P
The bell went so Tom, Myles and I seperated from the others and went to get the register, but apparently Myles and his form have moved their form room, so he isn't going to be walking with me anymore. I don't really mind, haha. So Tom & I headed to form and I got in the door to be greeted by Thompson 'OH THANK GOD, YOU CAN DO THE READING AT THE CONCERT!' I took the piece of paper, and it had a small note saying he'd emailed me the back up copy (on the school emails) and I moaned about how he'd assumed I'd do it and not asked anyone else in the four days I'd been away; but I didn't really care.
First was PSHE and Alistair was reeeeeaaaaally annoying until Sir told him to shut up or move to the back and then started playing music which I liked and Alistair didn't, which improved my mood vastly. He just shut up and sat there. It was BLISS.
I got my short report a couple of days late because I wasn't here. It looks awesome in my mind. I've got targets of 3 A*'s, 7 A's and a B. But the B is in french, and I only wanted a B anyway. This improved my mood even more.
Physics was second and that was all good. We went over homework that I wasn't there to have it set, so he just let me write the answers as they said them so that was all cool. Thing is, with Mr. Matthews, he relates the questions to whatever is on his mind and he just lectures on each one. So going over the homework took pretty much the entire lesson.
Break I had to go to the drama block as I was summoned by Miss Holyoake, even though I really didn't want to go, I went anyway. She handed us an envelope and in it was a sheet with a couple of photos on saying well done, and a letter from the headmaster saying he thought the performance was brilliant. lier. As soon as she let us go I bailed and went up to the library where it was full, but I gestured to Sam, so he came out with Myles + John. Then Myles got his scarf nicked. Lets just say... Hilarity insued.
Third was biology, and it was just sooo funny. Aran who sits next to me uses one of those clear pencil case things that are 'approved for examination usage' and he's had it for ages. It had a very slight tear below the zip and when tubby yanked it, the rip widened. Tubby, Chris and Andy noticed the rip and by the end of the lesson Aran's pencil case consisted of the zip, and the string that used to connect the pencil case. We all found it bloody funny, including the teacher, and Aran didn't mind. It's christmas soon anyway, he can ask for one. :P
Lunch I was forced to go to choir, and it wasn't that bad. Me, Nat Pickett and Goldsbrough started pissing around and Torrent wasn't exactly happy because the concert is on... Tuesday? Anyway, we tried to do it all serious and half way through the song Natt spanked me really lightly and I burst out laughing. Torrent was like >:@ so I yelled 'He felt up my ARSE!' lets just say the singing stopped after that. the laughter however, didn't. ;)
French was okay really, we just went over a load of stuff that I've missed a load of. It was my last lesson of the term, because I'm missing the monday one because of a science trip. :D French was a bit boring but Ben and I managed to make it out relitively unscathed. Ben told me how Mcqueen had given our english essays back and we had to hand the final draft in on tuesday so in between french and P.E I dashed to her room to get mine back.
P.E I got hit in the chest and the back by the ball. A lot. Tubby is really annoying in PE, he's just immature. I managed to have a bit of a laugh and join in aswell but I never bring trainers so he told me to do it barefoot. MY FEET WERE FREEEEZING. I walked Sam to reception then on my way back to my root met up with Alex in the year above me who I'm good friends with and lives near me so we walked together and just laughed around a lot.
It's been a pretty funny day already, and I've got this crappy stagecoach party to go to, to make it even better! XD

Things achieved today off my to do list
Went to choir.
Finished all LOTF connections.
Got the reading piece for concert so I can practice.
Got english essay back.

my main points of to do list

Revise for biology (it's a mock of the mock, I think :S) test on wednesday. I've got like 50 pages to read over cause it's a test on the entire unit.

Revise for chemistry (it's the same deal as biology) test on wednesday. I was told by Aran about this, so I would have some warning.

Redraft my English essay.

Do the last question of History coursework.

Get everything together in regards to xmas presents and cards.

It's all gooooood ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, alliteration! :D