Thursday, December 11, 2008

New-found Confidence.

Mood: Recovered, kinda guilty.
Music: Black & Gold - Sam Sparrow.

I feel bad for not going into school today, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm definatly going in tommorow, I have to!
I tried this quest that I've been stuck on since I quit the game, I got 2/3 of the second bit done and died... twice, so I've given up on it. I didn't lose much, but its very frustrating.

Mood: Much better than previous
Music: Smile - Lilly Allen

Today was good. I had a lazy day until around 5, where I got talking to my friends properly again. Charlie is a guy I know online but we haven't spoken much and we had a short conversation. Me and Sam managed to have one of our longer chats again, I got what I needed from Tom and Myles; but I didn't get to talk to John. Who cares? I'll get that base covered tommorow. That sounded so wrong in my mind. Anyway, moving on... I'm in such a better mood. All my problems seemed to have faded away, I feel much better and healthier; and anyone that has a problem with me? Then that's their problem. So I have a load of spots? You know what, who cares? Their natural, and they'll fade over the years.
I'm a good person. I may not be amazingly clever, or amazingly good at anything in particular, but I'm okay and there are people much worse than me. Plus, I have amazing friends. They've got my back when it matters the most.
I'm back in the swing of things :D

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