Sunday, December 14, 2008

Grandmaster Guilt

Mood: Guilty as hell.
Music: Forever - Chris Brown.

I did the massive quest on runescape today. Took me like all day. Didn't do macbeth essay redraft, will do tommorow after work. Sam seemed annoyed at me over it, because I told him he should do his. :S I feel really bad now. Plus, I'm going on a trip until lunch tommorow and we don't know specifically when we'll be back but it's likely sam will be on his own at break and lunch. But I'll be with him in PE, so hopefully that'll cheer him up if he's in a bad mood.
Did a bit more work on his present to ease the guilt, but it didn't do much. I spent about an hour on it, and am still not finished. Will finish over the next few days, I'll probably be giving it to him when he sleeps over friday. Can't wait for that, actually.
Tommorow should be good though, so I should probably head to bed soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not annoyed at you Andyyyy <3
I was just worried that you won't get that coursework done. It is GCSE stuff. :X But I'm sure you'll plough through it today. ;)
See you in PE <3