Sunday, December 07, 2008

Bleary Vision

Mood: Recovering, slowly.
Music: The Nicest Thing - Kate Nash
This song really speaks to me a lot, because I've felt the feeling quite a few times. Especially recently...
Christmas is meant to be a good time of year, hopefully it'll get better soon.

I got up around noon today, and made some crumpets. Pissed around at home all day, got most of my homework done but I didn't really have the time needed to go on the computer, due to my family being internet whores. Lol. Nothing amazing happened today, except I finally got the achievement for owning 2.5 million gold's worth of real estate in albion.

My family is really wierd. We don't really get on amazingly well, except we occasionally have really funny moments that just have us spliiting our sides.

My mum really got on my nerves today. For a fourteen year old son, my mum is very.. aged. She's closer to retirement than parties, shall we say. She was just nagging at me all day making me do this or that or just generally getting in the way when I was trying to do stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love my mum and I have a great deal of respect for her, but our personalities clash. A lot. She doesn't really understand me. Like with NaNoWriMo, she just didn't get the attraction for me, she was really doubtful of it being a good idea.
My dad is okay, he's quite impatient and two years older than my mum. Ever since he came back from prison and we had a major arguement, we've had a fairly artificial relationship. We basically fake a perfect father/son relationship just so that we don't fight again. I do like my dad a lot though, even though he hides it, he does care.
My brother and sister are almost like friends really. My sister is hardly around anymore, but we get on fairly well. She's a very tolerant person and is always happy to talk about anything. My brother understands me more than most of my family, but we still argue quite a lot.

I did nothing today and I'm still knackered...
I'm feeling a bit stronger than yesterday, and I'm hoping to be back on my feet tommorow. It's just... Nothing amazing happened to balance out yesterdays shite. :/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Monday shall balance.
Huggles balance. :)