Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bracelets and Dinner

I’ve had a long day and I’m tired so I’m going to re-cap really quickly.

Bracelets and Dinner.

Got up really tired, had a quick shower and gave mum and dad their anniversary present. It’s the bracelets they were given on their wedding day 33 years ago that was lost in a box in the garage which I found 4 months ago. Mum loved it, dad pretended to at least. Had tap, which was difficult but good. Had an hour break were me, fille and the person who was ill last time who I will call dazzle spent talking, before modern. Modern was good, but tiring. Me and Fille then went over a bit of our duet before heading to Woodley. We got back from Woodley, practiced a bit more then went to a studio with her elder sister to choreograph it more and we got a lot done. ^_^ Back for Jazz which is a lot harder now that there are 4 guys, because he picks on us now and makes us do some exercises (like push ups <_<) separately to the girls so he can tell if we don’t do them all. After Jazz I got pissed because the girls technically have the right to kick boys out of the kitchen if they want to get changed, but they had the door everything but decided they didn’t want me there and threatened to go to the principal. I was severely pissed. After talking to Fille a bit more, I went home. Started playing grand chase, and bought (with real life money :S) a new character Ronan. I managed to get him to level 12 by the end of the night, and level Elesis up to level 6. I also did that bloody mission that I failed on loads with Arme. It was really hard, used 5 resurrect charges. Orc Temple 2 star alone was a bitch. Went out for dinner with mum and dad because henry and Vicky were out and they didn’t want to leave me alone, and they wanted to not argue so they brought me along so they wouldn’t discuss certain things XD. Got home, played a tad more grand chase and my mum tried to send me to bed at eleven. I complained a lot but she insisted so I wrote this and now think I’m going to have to go to bed. I am quite tired though.
Haven't played runescape in a while, even though the skill n chill olympics are on. :S

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stale Breath.

Decided not to bother with 23rd OR 24th, I’m afraid. Anyway…


Got to school just as the bell rang, because I started walking WAY too late, to find Sam was ill off school today. Morning form was good, had a laugh with Formie for a while, and then went to my lessons. First, was chemistry.
Chemistry is where stale breath starts. The teacher, who I will call podge had written a question on the board that none of us were getting, and she was repeatedly saying “come on come on”. Don’t get me wrong, I like Podge, but she’s a bit ‘meh’ at times. I said, what I thought was fairly quietly, to Aaron “I don’t see her coming out with any answers” however, she over heard this. After a bit of ‘I thought you were a nice young man LOL’ she decided I was ‘off her Christmas card list’. I laughed at this. When I was leaving she called after me and said ‘Oh and Andrew, I’m going to be checking people’s facts next lesson, and you’re defiantly on my hit list.’ I was like okay… and I walked off.
Physics I couldn’t find the books and I was expecting him to rip my head off, but he just said ‘Don’t make a habit of it’ and walked off. I was like… :o. During the lesson Podge walked through the lab and gave me evils, lol. Other than that physics was all good.
Break was okay, but it’s not the same without Salamander. Me and Zen chilled for a bit, and then the bell went.
R.S was actually really good, and I hung back a bit afterwards to talk to her just generally. She’s a really nice woman, and imo fills in really well for the teacher everyone thought was amazing last year. Tbh, I thought she was made out to be more than she was, and actually wasn’t accessible on a human level because everyone was like MISS! MISS! LOLOLOL! So after chatting to her for a bit I went to the group. Me and Zen headed up to the library before the others, but I got called onto manning the desk. Emailed two teachers that left at the end of last year, and I don’t know if they even check their emails anymore. But I liked them both so I sent them the same, but fairly good-lengthed, email. I enjoyed writing it. However, the librarian who I will name Beatle, told me one of my good friends is no-longer allowed behind the desk. He was just about to be trained fully as well, but what can you do?
Afternoon form was going really well until a prick in my form was like HOW COME ANDY DOESN’T HAVE TO TAKE HIS HOODY OFF and I’d genuinely forgotten. Okay that’s a lie, I hadn’t. I was cold. :P But sir had a go at the prick and then was like “Andrew psst take it off.” So I did. It kinda ruined it, but other than that Formie and I had a good day. I promised to help him out at the open evening as well. Which is on the 7th or something.
ICT was forth and actually, it was a bit pathetic. Me and like 5 others are miles ahead of the rest of the class and finished the last worksheet she’d given us and she was just like ‘From your other IT class (the compulsory one) do you have any work?’ 5 minutes later, that was all done. So what did she do? Give us more work that can actually help her? No. ‘Just go on games or something I guess.’ I’m all for fun and everything, but I really think that’s pushing it a bit. :S
History was fifth and two guys who I’m quite fond of decided to sit on my table with Nizomi, and it was just SUCH a laugh. I had a great time, and managed to swerve my way out of a detention, even if the other two didn’t. But I do have to do the essay I forgot to do for Monday. XD
Caught up with Salamander over grand chase and just checked he was okay, then got to level 14 on my mage. :) I also bought the scroll to unlock the guy called Ronan, but I have to be level 15 to use it. :(
Then I realised, I had maths homework that was due on wednesday, and if it isn't in by tommorow, I get an hour detention. TO the maths homework!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Grand Chase pt 1

23rd will get a proper post, I wrote it out in pencil due to lack of access to a pc, I just need to type.
24th however, will not. But you do get a VERY brief summary :D

School was okay. Salamander went home during lunch, made me worry. D: French wasn't actually that bad, which was good. Work was good, but one of my co-workers that I particularly like (not milo) has sprained both of her wrists. I got home and decided to surprise Salamander, with the fact I'd downloaded this new game he was going on about... Grand Chase. By the end of the night my mage girl was level 6, and my ranger girl was level 4. Sam was a great help to showing me how to play, then after he left I founded a room, but bumped up the difficulty on the star things, and I got a 4 person team and we just murked it for a while, giving me the opportunity to level up both of my characters. My mage has a hat, staff, Qipao boots, and a thingy top, normal trousers. My ranger has normal bow, gloves boots top and bottoms. I was rather pleased with the efforts for the night, and I do see why he likes it. There's a character called Ronin, (Belonged to a guy who is now on my friend's list) and he looks rather awesome style wise. It's a level 15 quest, so I might get cracking to get him ^_^

Monday, September 22, 2008

Silver-Lined Clouds

Just a short post today

They say every cloud has a silver lining. I guess their right. I mean, with a shite day, the best bits seem to shine out from the darkness, and get even better. I had a bit of a bad day today, so break with Salamander and Zen was amazingly good. Maths was okay I guess, French was… Don’t even go there. I got to spend my lunch with the teacher. AGAIN. I came out of French to see Formie so I just talked to him about nothing in particular for like 5 minutes before heading to the others in the library for break me and Zen spent lulzing around and Salamander found our lulzing funny.
English I moved like 4 seats back to sit next to Salamander, and the teacher who will be called Queen didn’t notice until she was letting us go to lunch. She doesn’t know our names yet so she lets us go from the seating plan. She wasn’t really bothered so she just let me go anyway. After spending 20 minutes in French detention she let us go, so I went straight to my friends in the library. Chemistry was brass because Aaron wasn’t in the best mood and I didn’t really get it, P.E was really annoying because this prick kept yelling “grenade” at me for no apparent reason. He’s been doing it for ages, it’s really annoying.
Work was shit, except seeing a girl I’ll call Milo smile actually really made my day. I don’t fancy her, but she is a very good friend and co-worker, and she hardly ever smiles.
The rest of my day was a bit crap except chatting with Salamander over msn and stuff. Brother pissed me around a lot and I’m not exactly wanting to go into it, lol.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Looking towards the Sky

It’s been “one of those days” for me, and I’ve been worried about a lot of people all day. I got up nice and late, around 11:15am or something like that, but I was still knackered. I tossed and turned for a bit then gave up, and pulled on some clothes. After dragging myself downstairs and seeing the bed-hair I’d a-massed overnight I could instantly tell today wasn’t going to be amazing. After going online and seeing none of the people I wanted to see were online, I went to get my school bag and looked and the long list of homework.

Draft English Essay (Media coursework). BIG PROJECTY THINGY
Slideshow on the battle of Passchendaele for history. BIG PROJECTY THING.
Tobacco sheet for biology. SMALL SHIT
Reading for Physics. SMALL SHIT
Learn oral for French. MEDIUM
Learn lines for Drama. BIG BUT NOT-SO IMPORTANT.

I went into the lounge, forced the old laptop into motion, and turned on the TV. Zoey 101 is very good for lulz whilst doing homework. The plots can get ridiculous and confusing at times, but that makes it even funnier. The best line was Logan randomly yelling “I AM GABBER-FLASTED.” It was just so funny. Yes he said it like that, not flabbergasted. I lol’ed and then got back to my work. I started with the slideshow.
I’d never heard of Passchendaele before this, so my entire project was pretty much Wikipedia information recycled into my own words. Each person was given a certain battle of world war one to do. I envy the bastard that got Somme. That’d of been SO easy, but no… I get one of the shitty Belgium towns. Took about an hour on that one, with 5 slides. It’s okay. It could be a lot better, but I wasn’t in the mood to make it better, seeing as I doubted anyone would put that much effort in anyway.
This is a good time to tell you about the people I’m worried about. When I say ‘you’ I’m talking about my blog. It’s a person now. Deal with it.

First off is Salamander. I didn’t manage to talk to him at all yesterday due to the whole dance thing, and he’s going to his cousin’s dog’s funeral today. Their going to be completely teary-eyed, and I’m fairly sure he is too. It’s going to be really hard on him me thinks. Then Zen’s in that situation too. Might phone them later.
Cub and her boyfriend. As far as I am aware, it is their one year anniversary today. As much as I don’t like the guy, Cub loves him. I guess I owe him a chance then, even if occasionally he does mis-treat her. I can’t contact her to check she’s okay tho. :S
Formie and his bosses. Even though he’s not telling me, there is obviously something else on his mind as well. Even if he won’t tell me about it; I just really hope he’s okay. I think I won’t mention hugs tomorrow and just try to be supportive if he’s upset again. Hopefully he won’t be all TURNER PRIZE again at me, but I dunno. Could contact him over first class, but he wouldn’t reply. I’ve tried. A lot. I’ve kinda given up.
It’s times like these were I look to the sky and wonder if there really is a god. I slip a quick prayer in incase there is, even though I’m not a believer. And just look upwards for a while really, so I did that for a while.

Now after brooding for a while, I started my English. It was actually really difficult. I then found out my brother had invited Brad and Libbs over without telling me, and they’d been there for half an hour without me knowing. I only found out because Brad started showing off with my electric guitar. So after being a bit <_< about that for a while, because their my friends too, I gritted down to the essay. Hills arrived. I love Hills, she’s amazing. Chatted to her a bit then got back to my essay. 4 hours later with a couple of minutes talking to the others, my English essay is finally done.
I’m now in the mood I cba to do anything at all. Especially not go out and “cramp my brother’s style” so I didn’t. I didn’t bother with the rest of the homework, even if the French IS in for tomorrow. Idc. I’ll do it during break or something, even though it does isolate me from the group a bit. :-S
After just relaxing a bit and playing RS (and taking over Smither_Sid’s agility exp by like 300 xp) I got bored and decided to start writing this up. I think I’m going to go phone Salamander’s home and see if their in.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Duet, Dance and the European Ballet

Got up at 8am, dragging myself out of bed; I hate the fact my tap class is the first one in the entire dance school, starting at an inane 9am in the morning. I managed to get myself in an upright position and shower, before getting partially dressed and heading downstairs. Dad got back from Dublin just as I was getting ready, so said hi to him and chit-chatted for like 5 minutes, before heading out to tap. Tap was good, but I didn’t really get the exercise that much; it’ll be fine though, I’ll just practice over the week.

After that spent a while pissing around with a girl who shall now be called Fille because she’s one of the biggest female influences on my life. So Fille and me are allegedly doing a tap duet together, but we do not remember it at all, it was way too difficult for us in the first place. So for about 40 minutes we tried and we managed to get the very beginning, and the very end; so we’re just going to make the rest up.
Next was modern, which was actually quite difficult, but fun. The teacher got kind-of mad at us, because we were talking a lot. She’ll get over it though, hah.
Went to Woodley for a while with Fille, Chienne (She’s a bitch, through and through, can you blame me for giving her this name?) and Tapis, which was good although Chienne pissed me off quite a lot. She’s one of those people you either love or hate. I’ve already gone out with her, biggest mistake ever, and she’s just a cold hearted horrible person really.
After getting back Chienne and Tapis had a ballet class and because I don’t do ballet and Fille is in a lower grade, we got to chill out for a bit. I really like her, she’s amazing. I sometimes think about asking her out. The problem is, she’s technically a year 8. She was like 5 days off being in year 9, but she feels like she’s my age. I just don’t want to be “the one with the year 8 girlfriend”. If we keep in contact (WHICH WE WILL) it’s likely we will go out at some point. I guess I’m just to scared to stand up for what I believe in.

So lets fast forward forward a bit to the Wilde Theatre. European ballet, I was basically an extra. I’m really knackered so I’m going to really basically summarise it before going to bed or something, most likely. My brother was with me the first performance and although it was easy it wasn’t very enjoyable. The dancers were a bit off and it was just a :/ moment quite a lot. Eventually we got through it, and I had the break. During the break I went to KFC YUMYUM and had some food there, before returning to the theatre and just pissing around with the girls for a bit and Bird (The “retired-but-actually-still-running-the-dance-school-person”) was overlooking us the whole time and actually being nice to me. Henry (brother) left during the interval between shows to go to a party. The second show, a girl I’ll call Razzle was a lot more open to me and because I was stood next to her the whole thing, it made it a lot more positive, and the actual dancers were there instead of the understudies, and it was just so much better and more enjoyable.

Dad came and picked me up, drove me home and I came online to see if Sam was online, but he wasn’t, so I typed this up. I will probably at some point edit my posts with code-names for my school friends ;P

Friday, September 19, 2008

A change in the winds

Just to warn you, if you’re out there, from now on my days are starting from arriving at school. It’s just easier.

So I got out the car, and walked with my brother into the school grounds, to be intercepted by my old music teacher trying to blag me into yet another shitty activity, so I talked to him and listened to his ramblings before being allowed to go meet up with my mates, although Over and Nile weren’t there. Over was in the library and Nile was just late, so it was Zen, Salamander, Spawn and I. Salamander and Zen were back :D So after talking to them for a bit, I got the register after a quick “ooh someone’s late” meeting with Nile, before heading to morning form. Formie was still attempting not to talk to me, so I showed him my Stephen K Amos and Mark Wattson autographs just to really rub it in, but I managed to get him talking to me again before the end of form. It was quite good actually in the end, but he still won’t give me a hug. :( I know there’s a rule against it but I still want a hug from him DAMN IT.
I headed to history, and to my dismay, “The weevil’s” old helping assistant was sat there. It wasn’t the fact she was his helping assistant, in fact I get on really well with all the other ones to this day, except we’d had a bit of a history of not being on the best terms. She quickly explained she’d chosen to come help Nizomi because she had a free lesson. Working with her, we managed to coax him into using the translator, and he actually managed to understand it and start answering stuff. We worked really well together, which was quite a change. So I think the “hating each other” chapter of our lives is finished with, which I am very glad about.

Second was Physics, which was entertaining to say the least. Sir lead us fully to believe he was about to shove a thermometer up… We’ll call him Parasite (I don’t like him, if you couldn’t tell :P)… Parasite’s arse, and he even made to do the action and then did what he actually meant to do about measuring the temperature of the desk and the window. Needless to say, this was very amusing.
Break I got caught up with Zen did a bit of bitching (at least I’m honest about it ;P) before heading to biology.
Biology, was VERY interesting. We watched this video about taking care of your body, but it was focussed on the lungs. It showed a surgery removing a tumour the size of about a tennis ball, then they cut it up and prodded it around. It passed along a strong message in an interesting way. :)
Lunch was more of the usual laughter and just general talking to mates, even though my mind had started wandering a bit. I’m thinking about Formie a lot more than I should be, and I don’t know why. I’ll admit, he’s a lot more than a teacher to me, he’s my (surrogate) dad, but I’m blatantly just a student to him. Even still, I shouldn’t be thinking about him as much as I am, so I dunno about that. I guess I’m just weird. Then went with Nile to get the register and went to afternoon form.
Formie wasn’t in a great mood because his “higher powers” are basically mucking him around and it’s not fair on him, so he’s having to do a lot more work than he should be, then if you add the fact he’s head of department now so it’s even more work than he’s used to, it just doesn’t add up well for him. After breaking my “I’m not talking to him” rule just t check he’s okay, and although he’s not opening up to me as much as I would like him to, but it’s fair enough because you know… It’s not expected for a teacher to open up to a student, even if I open up to him loads. Even though we were both slightly depressed, he still wouldn’t give me a hug. I settled for a high five and went to French. French wasn’t as bad as usual because I managed to drown out the teacher in daydreams and still copy down everything I needed at the last moment. Unfortunately, I was daydreaming about Formie more than I wanted. Not that kind of daydream… you know, not fantasizing… just thinking about him and if he’s okay. Anyway, that lesson was better than most French because it was her talking at us not asking much so I was able to drift in and out when needed.
Last was another physics lesson, which was great because I could pay attention/drift off when I wanted to, because that’s how that teacher works. I was paying attention for a bit then drifting off, then getting back into the “what did I miss? Oh nothing lol” and going back ot day dreaming. Managed to catch Formie because he was basically outside my class as I walked out and he was in a much better mood, just had a very quick chit-chat with him then left to walk home.

Stage coach was okay, but one of my best friends Cub’s boyfriend is in hospital, and she’s really upset about him, so I’m quite worried about her. She’s completely cutting me out though, she’s changed her number and her msn and everything because of feeling guilty. He’s over-protective, so she reacts out more towards other guys with hugs and everything. After that I got back and said hi to my Sister’s boyfriend. He’s a great guy, I really like him. He HITCHIKED down from London to come see her, and he’s pure gold. So I just relaxed really, gotta do this Royal Ballet thing. Got to earn my scholarship to the school after all.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A noticable absence

I never really thought about what school would be like if Salamander and Zen weren't there for a day. It's happened before, but that was a while ago, and we've got EVEN closer since then. It was actually very odd, I found myself feeling as though I was missing them :( I phoned to make sure they were okay, and they were... Their car is just screwed :P

I'm not gonna talk about my morning, because it was bad, and I don't want to get to it, so I'm starting at around 8:30am when I finally dragged myself into school. Getting out of the car I basically rushed into school just to get away from my mum. Luckily, "The Weevil" (I'm not using his real name, because I don't care enough to type it out and "the weevil" is an inside joke about him which makes me feel better about how much of an asshole he is and how it's okay to laugh about it) was not with "my" group. So after talking to Spawn, Nile 'n Over for a bit, the bell rung. Me and Nile got the register as usual and headed to form.

Form, frankly, was hilarious. Formie wanted to go to some random art gallery called the Turner Prize/Tate Modern Francis Bacon or whatever it was, and found out he couldn't. So to annoy him, I asked my mum if I could go, because I wanted to "experiance" the styles of modern artists. She bought it hook line and sinker, and as long as I can get it booked I'm going to the exhibition in the october half term. I told him this, and he was NOT happy. He was green with envy and once again attempted to be not talking to me. He has done this several times before. Like this one time we were in the music block before a school concert just passing the time and he was annoyed at me, so he put his feet up and was like "I'm not talking to you." I started saying random comments to no avail, until I had an idea. His laces were undone. So I grabbed the bottom of the shoe, and tugged. To my surprise, it came off. Effectively, I had stolen his shoe. I then got up and started walking away, and he was chasing me for like 5 minutes trying to get his shoe. XD He had to talk to me to yell "come back with my shoe Andrew!" and stuff like that, so he gave in that time. Another time he tried to stop talking to me I discovered he was ticklish, so that one didn't last long either. THIS TIME, I didn't even have to do ANYTHING. He was like "I'm not talking to you. Andrew, if you do go can you get me blah blah blah" I was like I thought you weren't talking to me? and he ignored it and carried on talking. Throughout the day I saw him just in the school grounds and he did blank me when I said hi tho. I wasn't happy :P

So by the time break comes, I've had two fairly challenging lessons. I've had P.E where we were doing dodgeball, which I LOVE. I was running around and throwing balls and catching balls and getting people out and getting people in and shit like that and it was just amazingly fun. I was pretty much the best player on my team ^_^ After that I had physics which was great fun. He got us to stand in a line and basically dance, it was fucking hilarious. Duck (another nickname. I'm just making them completly random. I'm not expecting you to remember who is who, it's okay. I've got a list for myself XD) is a free electron, you must remember this ;)
Break the library was really busy and I was roped in to working the desk which wittled away the time very quickly, but it got me out of an awkward sitaution. Basically, at break I talk to Salamander and Zen, because their my best friends at school, and possibly ever. Their also brothers, but they are very different people. Zen is basically a younger version of me, he has the same views on EVERYTHING as me, including people. Meaning we have lots of lulz together. And Salamander's always been there for me the last 4 years, and I have to say is my best friend ever ever ever because he's there for absoloutly everything. Salamander I need to talk to someone and get something off my chest. Salamander lets have a laugh. Salamander I need to copy your english notes. Salamander, ilu <3. X has pissed me off (At this point Sam will join in bitching about said person XD) and stuff like that. Their AMAZING. But with the others, I don't know them that well. I got to know Nile really well in year 9 because in music we always spent the hour alone in a practice room or something just chit-chatting. But it's still kinda hard to make convo. Over annoys me, and although I do REALLY like him as a friend, he's really over-bearing and over-whelming. But he is getting a lot better at leaving me alone. And Spawn... Well, I don't know him that well at all. We hardly ever talk properly. He's a really nice guy and really smart and stuff, but we just don't talk 1 to 1 that much, so it was a bit like :S WHAT DO I SAY TO THESE PEOPLE. But I didn't have to deal with it due to the desk needing manning.
Don't get me wrong though, I love my school friends dearly, it's just difficult sometimes. I do have a lot of laughs with all of them though. Nile I spend quite a lot of time online with, Salamander I spend a large proportion of my life talking to, Zen I talk to @ break and lunch, Over sits next to me in form and Spawn and me talk together in the group and he sits nearly next to me in physics and maths.
Skip to lunch were I had a french DT. Wasn't too bad, I got let out after like 5 mins, I just had to write my method for "learning vocab" and shite like that lol. But I still think the teacher could be a lot nicer towards students and just have a more positive attitude. After that I faced up to talking to the group without Salamander and Zen and it actually wasn't that bad, it was good actually. After that had afternoon form were Formie was more "Not talking to you" than he'd managed before, but he kept randomly blurting "TURNER PRIZE TURNER PRIZE TURNER PRIZE" trying to annoy me. He failed. Because of that to piss him off tommorow I'm bringing in my custom autographs from Stephen K Amos and Mark Wattson because he looooves them :P

The rest of school was okay, ICT was a bit brass but I managed it. I've lost my touch a bit though, I only got an equivilent to a B compared to last year were I was getting equivilent to A/A*'s, so I'm going to have to keep re-working my stuff. It was okay but it wasn't actually computer work but more art, which I enjoy. Other than doodling, I don't do art anymore. So it was something new.
History with Nizomi. Now Nizomi is the Japanese kid who got forced here because of parents moving and he has major limited english. He's in my PE class and is my PE rival lol, because he's better than me but I'm wanting to be better than him. That was okay though, because he managed to understand some of the work and actually attempted to answer one of the questions by himself before typing "help me" on the translator. He's getting more accustomed to using it now.

The rest of the night was spent a) checking up on Salamander and Zen to make sure they were okay and then b) chilling. I just needed to relax. I'm so used to winging school from year's 8 and 9 because I was a complacent little tit that I'm having to put extra effort in, and then with the homework and everything it's knackering me out. I still haven't done the french homework for tommorow, which, it is most likely, I will do in lunch/break tommorow in the library.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Footnotes, Formie and French.

I'll just get a few things straight, before I even start.
1) I hate French. Not the language. The class. The teacher. The teacher, she's the spawn of satan. She's an ugly witch that sometimes wears a clever disguise to trick you into thinking she may be alright, and then she's in close enough and she rips you apart again. She doesn't even realise she's doing it anymore. It's vocab test after vocab test after fucking vocab test and she loves to remind you how bad you failed on a friday afternoon after school for an hour.
2) I will, most likely, blab on about my form tutor and a couple of my mates. I love him and them to bits. Litterally. I think their all missing an eye or two. However, in case he reads this, I won't be calling him by his real name. Instead, I will call him... umm... Something that won't get confused with anything else... Erm... I'll call him Formie. There we go. XD. My friends will most likely have real names used. :o
Right, now that that's out of the way... I can get into the other boring introduction stuff... Whee...

I haven't had a proper blog. Ever. I've had a few "yeah sure I'll update it and stuff (In head: lol no you won't)" but this time I'm actually going to make a genuine effort. I don't know if anyone will ever read it, because I'm not REALLY going to be giving the link out, because I don't like the thought of vanity blogging. Anyway, on with my actual blog. :D

I woke up feeling not amazing, but thinking "Yeah gotta try to be positive today" because I'd had a very bad day yesterday, and I'm on the verge of slight depression. I got up, grabbed a towel and went into my brothers room to use the shower. He moaned at me for not knocking, even though he was packing his school bag, which I ignored and went into the bathroom. After showering with my lurvely 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner which makes my hair feel lovely and fluffeh, I back to my room to towel off.
Talked to Formie for a bit, he wasn't in best mood so I was a bit like meh, and he's pissed because he can't go to this Turner Prize thing that he wanted to go to. In my year 8 summer I visited an exhibition in liverpool, which he's never forgiven me for because he desperatly wanted to go. He found out about the one in london and managed to get free tickets due to being an R.E, wait it's changed, R.S teacher. However, the night he got tickets for, is the open evening. (Which I will probably be spending with him. I always do open evening and shizzle for him. He's my favourite teacher, go figure.) This caused me many lulz, which he didn't appreciate much.
Had ICT core lesson, which was great. I love ICT, because, I'm a fast typer. Therefore, I'm good at ICT core, because it's the most basic shit EVER. It's basically so that even 'tards can get atleast one C. The teacher is an old man, but he's actually quite likeable. My mate Spawn (What he will be called from now on in the blog) sits like 2 seats down from me, and although he doesn't know it, I'm racing him to get my coursework sheets in before him. We were at the same stage like 5 mins before the end of the lesson, so I quickly did a really shite bit stuck on the end for the lulz of examiners which was "proving you can save files with appropriate names" one screenshot in an empty document, printed, DONE. I'm therefore still ahead of him.
Realised why I couldn't keep those other blogs up yet? Because I talk A LOT.
Second lesson was another ICT lesson but it's the standard course with the teacher I've had since the start of school. She's amazing, even if she is amazingly harsh on me. I get "Distinction (basically A*)" in all of my ICT coursework but she marked something I did as a "pass" because I'd spent the lesson pissing around. My mate Salamander (best mate. ever.) was already done though, so I was a bit miffed about that, so I rushed to the websites and started filling out the sheet again, until it was done the way she wanted, and then I spent the rest of the lesson catching Salamander up. Except I didn't quite catch him, except it's a piece of hand-drawn work so I can do before next lesson and be at his level again. Him, me and a guy called Matt are top in our ICT class. 6A's at the end of last year. :D People who are only mentioned briefly will have real names, recurring people will have made up names. You know, just in case.
Break was spent in the library with a couple of my best mates: Salamander, his little brother Zen, Spawn and Over. Zen's his own self an' nothing like Salamander, but I love them both. Over is annoying but he makes up for it. Sorta. :P
Third was History, in which I'm basically a "mentor" for this Japanese guy who got moved to england about a week ago and hardly speaks any english, but needs to settle in. He's got this fucking amazing translator thing, but I don't think he'd react well if I started taking it apart. Technology fascinates me. But not in the lessons like electronics. Ugh. STAB ME NOW. I hate building it from scratch, but looking at it is quite interesting. But yeah, this guy.. Nizomi, is scared to use the translator. I kinda have to force him into doing it, and although I feel mean, it has to be done. History was good though.
Lunch I had a drama rehersal which was good, managed to force Nile into having to do the music for the play. He owed me a favour so I relished in making him do it. He's fine with it though, lol.
Afternoon form was okay, but Formie was a bit pre-occupied lol. I just spent the time day dreaming, then decided to take the register/form folder/whatever the hell they call it now back so that I could clear my head before Maths, just because I was thinking about quite a lot of stuff.
Fourth lesson was Maths which was jokes because it's all fairly easy and I got to piss around a bit, and it was just generally enjoyable. She also changed the time consuming homework she'd set yesterday to really easy stuff :)
Fifth and last was English, which was great. I had Miss last year, and she was a bit shite, but this year she's come on leaps and bounds and is actually a very good teacher. We're almost starting on our media essay, and because I forgot my book I'm going to have to copy out my notes before the next lesson. We just watched the beginning itchy and scratchy short of the simpsons movie, because we have to analyse it for a piece of coursework, and then go on to say how the director uses things in the-blah blah blah. Jargon jargon jargon.
Got home, looked at my pile of homework, and realised I don't have french tommorow. So it's ALL GOOD. After talking to Sam for a bit, I discovered this website and decided to give it a shot. I'm not even giving Salamander the link :o