Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Mood: Confused
Music: Details in the Fabric - Jason Mraz + James Morrison

I don't know what I'm feeling anymore. The end is here. Lord of the Flies finishes tonight. Finally. Yet, I'm not happy. Why am I not celebrating?

Over the day I found out quite a lot of people who had either said they would come and bought tickets or said they'd try to come didn't come or can't. I was actually quite dissapointed. Just because of how much my family said I was good in it, I really wanted all the people to see. Surprisingly, I wasn't annoyed at Sam for saying he couldn't come. He's got a life of his own. There was a certain person who I've been feeling distant from recently who told me they were coming last night. They bought a ticket. But they didn't go. It actually really pissed me off, but I just pretended it was fine and shrugged it off. I wanted them to go...
Double ICT was good, but Miss Hughes realized that Sam & I are rarely 'on task' but are still ahead, and thinks we need to get even further ahead. I don't get why. Core is just so basic and easy, it's boring to me. In standard IT, Sam gave me a goodluck card. I put on my best happy face. It meant a lot, but I just wasn't in the mood. Break was okay, it was just nothing special really. I guess I was distracted by things on my mind but I just said it was me being tired and ignored it, sort of.
Third was History which was surprisingly good, considering my group. We were forced into groups and I was stuck with Nizomi (who doesn't speak english great) Zack (who I like but is dim at best) Alistair Beverage (Who's nice but lazy) and Simret (Who I pretty much loathe.) and we actually did a really good job of the poster and had fun along the way. We represented France, and me and Sim ended up in a cuss match against Dom who was representing Germany.
Lunch I went to this thing for Miss Gower where she asked me to come up with questions and stuff for the new team. The person who's playing Jack is in the team, and even if he's a shite actor, he is very intellegent. This years team like me and I'm happy it's them. I knew three of them already, and the fourth is just an idiot who likes me anyway.

In a slightly better mood, I went to afternoon form. He doesn't know I'm annoyed; the amount I moaned about it, he probably thinks I didn't want him there anyway. But I put it past me and went to maths. Maths was okay, it was simple equations and easy. It was boring though. The people who play Simon, Piggy and Bill are in my class. I sit next to Alex (Simon) and Ben (Bill) and Mike (Piggy) is a table behind me. I like them all, so nowadays the class is better than before. We joked around, by quoting lines in mid conversations and confusing everyone except Matt (who'd seen the play last night) and Miss Lewis (who had also attended).
English was surprisingly good. Sam, Tom, Chris and I are in a group together and we watched I'm a Celebrity for a bit and it was revolting. Then we just laughed around a bit, and the bell rang.
I debated what to do after school and just ended up walking home, reflecting on stuff. I like my little walk home when I'm alone, I get to do a decent bit of thinking. I got in the door and loaded up Fable 2 and pissed around. I have a good character now and I'm just pissing around pretty much, and I own quite a lot of Real Estate so everytime I go on in the time I was away my character has shat a golden brick.

But I'm still not happy. I'm not sad, but dissapointment effected my day. I guess I just have to hold out till the end of act III tonight.

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